วันพุธที่ 6 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Violations of drugs for the treatment of panic attacks

Perhaps you read this because you meet someone, knees, accelerated respiration, heart palpation suffers panic attacks are random. I hurt for the way it hurts me when I saw the reproduction of these symptoms from my heart. Sometimes I could only breathe through it, and everything would be quiet in a short time, but other times, I landed in the emergency room of my local hospital. I felt like prey, I rarely knew what they carry.

I became aVariety of treatments for my symptoms. Once, in my youth I suffered from tunnel vision and the best trainees held my hand and asked me about everything that was "said" to talk to me in my life. I do not know if it's just the fact that I was treating my condition or the fact that I really wanted all of his shaved look beautiful face, that my vision organ started again to all the corners of my limited perception concluded transmit.

My sweetest General PractitionerI suggested going to see a "consultant" from his face stained tears after listening to my desperate appeals for help to cope with anxiety and fear, I was every day more and more. I was a tender age of 25 years. He suggested that this road before I could for prescription drugs for anxiety withdrawal to qualify. The result was more favorable than the consultants "appeared very confused and devoid of character structure, and actually looked a lot more than I need help.

A few little 'light on mestruggled to find a solution that was durable, permanent and natural. Knowing that I am against my mother's diagnosis of schizophrenia, manic depression and their possible suicide when I was eight years and not to help. Over time, I began to feel that I'm about to "lose my soul" and the fear of attacks has just brought me closer to this terror. For now, I felt an inner fear that pricked at the base of my spine. The anxiety began Episodes. I had to solve this escalating problem.

If you also suffer a similar fate, it is important that all options before taking the medicine or not even consider meditation. I am a results-oriented type of person, and when I go to a mode of treatment to pursue, I know how to work what, why and what are the possible risks and side effects. I'm going to share what I found with you, so you can evaluate the consequences very well. The way I solved myPanic attacks and had no long-term-nary one in more than 20 years. I am 46, when I have this spring. Fortunately, even though I know it was a fairly advanced treatment demands of panic attacks, I could of course be solved.

I'm about to begin, however, dedicated to offering you the pros and cons of medication for panic attacks. What is most regrettable is that the protocol chemistry is not curative, but overwhelming and increasing chronic disease. Most people know this, because as soonRemove the drug, the symptoms again clearly visible on the surface. Drugs may be useful in the short term, if you need to collect only your point of view, to find out how we are to address the symptoms in the long term. You can do with the illusion of a clearer head, which can be used to provide power in the present, but as a mechanism of control, you can be with some very undesirable side effects.

Some of the harmful side effects, you may consider include the liver,Kidneys and toxicity of the sap. The other thing to recognize that these drugs may not have access to e-motions, you do, even in love. I had to tell me that the people during their medicines. no longer able to feel the emotions of the characters in a movie or completely empathize with her daughter's break-up with her boyfriend. Often people feel afraid of drugs "flat-lined" emotionally and that can change a person feeling short vacation in the area of their lives. Can not fullypenetrate into the realm of sympathetic or empathic impressions.

My grandmother, in fact, lived on the side of my mother, unfortunately, under long-term sedation. Their empty eyes and empty, "Yes, dear" as a response to any provocation was frankly pathetic. I despised, because they have the courage, the root of evil, his face, and I avoided at all costs, as was, as the setting with the woman a "vacuum". I have often had the momentum, just for her, if I could wake up screaming, they see their life from a coma.There was no real person surrendered to connect with and for me, died years before his physical body.

Most people do not know, but pharmaceutical companies were using the same tranquilizers and benzodiazepines for years. The head that we are available to contemporary folk,:

Xanax (Alprazolam)
Klonopin (clonazepam)
Valium (diazepam)
Ativan (lorazepam)

Although they are fast acting to bring peace, or "relief" in about thirty minutes to an hour after taking them,There are disadvantages in the long term, which are not normally suitable for you in the office of the doctor. The soothing effect of the former can be realized as a crippling of precipitation, as I mentioned before, especially over time. Other side effects include fatigue, cloudiness, and lack of coordination. People are often justified doses are very low, but also micro-doses of benzodiazepines can cause problems at work, at school or in everyday life such as driving. Some people report aDrug hangover the next day, the motivation and enthusiasm for life can make.

Depending on the individual, some of which performs a "fast-up 'feeling precipitate mania or worsening anxiety, impulsivity, hallucinations, hostility, anger and even panic attacks themselves, which is the opposite result, the patient takes completion. Over time, the project's drug system may lead, if not used properly decontaminated, so that the patient has the feeling of being constantlydrunk.

Look for these most common side effects of benzodiazepines, or sedatives and work with your physician to adjust the dose or type of medication until these symptoms are most needed:

Lack of energy
Slow reflexes
Confusion and disorientation
Depression, dizziness
Drowsiness impaired thinking and judging memory loss, forgetfulness, nausea, stomach upset, blurred or double vision

Benzodiazepines areassociated with depression. You need to look for a long time are taking benzodiazepine side effects such as suicidal feelings. The feeling of being separated from spouses, children and parents to deteriorate over time and sad relationship based on a long-term impact. My mother and my grandmother was a witness of this for me.

If you choose the path of chemical drugs, it is imperative that the anti-anxiety drugs are not combined with other drugs. In addition, an overdose can be fatal iftaken in high doses or in combination with other CNS depressants. Taking anti-anxiety medication with alcohol, prescription painkillers or sleeping pills can be deadly. Dangerous drug interactions can also occur if anti-anxiety medications with antihistamines, which are found in many more to be done-the-counter cold and allergy. Note that antidepressants like Prozac and Zoloft can also increase their toxicity.

If you have a little 'breathingand your panic attacks are not over you like waves of work. You can study the natural way to deal with his condition to be. This was the track I started with myself, and helped immensley. Although, my symptoms eventually drive me forward into the realm of basic, natural medicine, I have walked this path of therapies, first as a drug protocols scared me more. As you can imagine, I was willing to try anything to avoid my grandmother andThe fate of the mother. Livingstone will be shut down, frozen-out on prescription drugs or thoughts of suicide are viable alternatives, not for me. I had to actually solve them.

Some of the vital non-drug treatment of panic attacks may begin with the available psycho-dynamic therapy, including cognitive-behavioral, for example. I have a medicine called Heilkunst (the art of healing and healing) to fix my pain, all the treatments in three countries, with an organizerBasis of diet and lifestyle changes, homeopathy, and then cognitive-behavioral therapy to address the fears and the main structures of belief. Not all practitioners of their practice, all three countries, but are happy to assist you, if you need to hear. The first judicial treatment promotes healing Regular exercise, adequate sleep, a healthier diet, improve your reporting and a complete detoxification. Are often people fromAdding a log of regular oil, minerals, vegetables and grain removal from their diet, but can cathartic effect on their panic attacks. Tips sugar solution and the lack of adequate nutrition, with food supplements can unite all the way to help calm the potential moments of fear.

Blood tests conducted by a professional in exceptional cases it may help the cause of the source of your panic attacks, providing the toxicity of heavy metals and demanding when it is actually absorbsWater. Water has the expansion function of the cell, just like your body is trying to expand through fear. When each cell is enclosed in armor and salt, then the entire organism. When broken, afraid, uncomfortable will push up against armored cells causes a tension in your body so that the sweating, heart palpatations and produces a general awakening, as if you're about to explode.

Their fear is only trying to expand "and solve your armor. It is onlyalso impressed with a lot of pain and disability. Unfortunately, the character can try to type in their own way to fix things flocks in your name. If you make it with sound, logical tools, such as medicines, homeopathic healing that are based on the law of nature "like cures like" to pursue and cognitive therapies, including character analysis and biofeedback, you can effectively eliminate the root causes of your anxiety and then the address with treatment protocols that work and solve theQuestions long term without side effects, like me.

I found that really does not matter to repress, suppress or fear at all. And 'more about the solution of the overflow and then the conversion and channel the power of this e-Motions (= "energy in motion") as a medium in which only serve with the knowledge, creativity and inspiration. Eventually he gets a lot more awareness and an environment of emotions and impressions that enrich the lives of your life, is not stupiddown.

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