วันพุธที่ 30 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Hyperpituitarism - definition, causes, symptoms and treatment

Hyperpituitarism, also known as acromegaly and gigantism. Hyperpituitarism is the excessive production of growth hormones, which are still in production. Hypersecretion of pituitary hormones secondary to macroadenomas can interfere with other pituitary hormone functions, resulting in a lack of hormone target organs. Acromegaly occurs after epiphyseal closure, that the growth of bone thickening and transverse and visceromegaly. This form of Hyperpituitarism be evenly divided between men andWomen, usually aged between 30 and 50 years. In most patients, is the source of excessive growth hormone (GH) and secretion of growth hormone GH-producing adenoma of the anterior pituitary gland) usually macroadenoma (eosinophilic or mixed-cell. (Mostly from benign tumors of the 'pituitary glands) are the most common cause of this condition in other parts of the pituitary are often affected as the control of prolactin and thyroid hormones.

Hyperpituitarism hyperplasia and carcinomathe adenohypophysis, secretion by pituitary tumors and certain diseases of the hypothalamus and carcinoid tumors. Prolonged effects of excessive secretion of GH include arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, osteoporosis, kyphosis, hypertension, atherosclerosis, heart enlargement and heart failure. Acromegaly develops slowly. Many people are, the changes so slowly that they are no longer perceived for years. The observation shows an enlargement of the jaw, tongue, thickened, enlarged and weakened hands coarsenedFacial features, skin, fat or tough, and a prominent supraorbital ridge. Gigantism develops abruptly, producing some of the same skeletal abnormalities seen in acromegaly. Gigantism affects infants and children who grow up to three times the normal height for their age. When they finally reach a height of more than 8 '(2.4 m).

Hypogonadism, has led to the arrest of puberty, puberty, interruption or delay of puberty. If the inspection reveals a very palate, muscularHypotonia, slanting eyes, and exophthalmos. Nonfunctioning pituitary adenomas are rare in children, it represents only 3-6% of all adenomas in 2 large series, as they contain 30% of adenomas. Treatment may consist of microsurgery to remove a pituitary tumor, pituitary radiation when a non-gamma radiation treatment Knife (a special kind of concentrated radiation), bromocriptine (helps to decrease growth hormone in some patients), octreotide (partially reduces pituitary tumors).Additional treatment may bromocriptine, which inhibits the synthesis of GH and octreotide acetate, a similar long-acting somatostatin secretion of GH was abolished in at least two thirds of patients with acromegaly. Medical therapy for Cushing's syndrome is only adjunctive. The goal is to make the enzymes responsible for the synthesis of cortisol by the adrenal enzyme inhibitors such as metyrapone inhibited.

Treatment for Hyperpituitarism Tips

1. Treatment can consistMicro-surgery to remove a pituitary tumor.

2 extra movement can bromocriptine, which inhibits the synthesis of GH and octreotide acetate, a similar long-acting somatostatin secretion of GH was abolished in at least two thirds of patients with acromegaly.

3. GRA is treated with small doses of glucocorticoids (eg hydrocortisone, prednisone).

4. Dietary sodium restriction and administration of drugs that can control symptoms without surgery.

5.ACE inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) are also possible treatment options.

6. Must follow a low salt diet, while useful for control of blood pressure in this state.

7. Level of blood pressure should be controlled and monitored by frequent measurements of blood pressure

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