วันเสาร์ที่ 23 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Methadone addiction is no longer needed treatment for heroin addiction

In 1960, Methadone, once used to relieve pain, which began as a treatment for the growing problem of heroin addiction. At this time it was considered a viable solution - but that was in the days when effective drug detoxification and drug rehabilitation technologies were almost unknown. Today, treatment with methadone is obsolete, and is the creation of dependency on methadone - a dependence even more dangerous than heroin addiction.

Why is methadone> Treatment outdated?

"It 'important to remember that methadone users still physically dependent on drugs - it's terrible withdrawal symptoms if you have not received a dose at the time - and almost always an addict. In fact proved to be more methadone heroin addiction," said Steven Hayes, director of Novus Medical Detox Center, a hospital for detoxification in Florida, which helps people with the withdrawal from heroin, methadone and otherDrugs or alcohol.

"We now get people from heroin with relative ease," said Hayes. "Another friend, rather than people with a good medical detoxification and rehabilitation are millions of people around the world, we recommend using treatment with methadone. Unfortunately, the addiction treatment in most cases the results of methadone."

But is not the methadone addiction and dependence better than heroin addiction?

"Absolutely not," says Hayes. "There are two times more numerous in the context of methadoneDeaths related to heroin deaths annually. Also, because the opioid receptors were stimulated by heroin and methadone is now less sensitive, more methadone users keep asking and get one ever larger doses of methadone. If you try to do them, are suffering. It 'more difficult for the connection of heroin. "

So why addiction methadone is still used as an option for the treatment of heroin addicts?

Many people have said that the use ofHeroin or other opiates is the ability of his body to produce endorphins - a natural hormone the body uses the pain of having to block the signals from the nervous system to relieve pain and in some cases the increase, inhibit the sensation of pleasure . Methadone users were led to believe his body will not be possible without methadone or produce endorphins that will last for months or years before your body begins to produce endorphins, the amount they need to take methadone.

However,There is no science to prove this theory endorphins. Although it may take a while 'for an addict to get her body back to normal when you quit heroin, not able to produce endorphins in sufficient quantity is very rare, if ever happens.

In fact, production of endorphins is generally a good heroin detoxification and rehabilitation program are fixed.

However, many heroin addicts have said it is necessary to ensure that only methadone addiction to heroin and methadone for tradeAddiction. You never can take the drug rehab or detox, her heroin addiction may be considered first, and now they are saddled with the year of methadone addiction and, in some cases for life.

What can you do if you are dependent or addicted to methadone?

Even if the victims of methadone clinics may have been I think they need, methadone, in fact, one should be seduced. Fortunately, some medical center detox can do --Methadone detoxification and the person is truly free of drugs and no longer dependent on getting their dose.

If you or someone who was interested in heroin or other opiates or opiate dependency, and is part of a methadone treatment program, contact a drug rehab center to see if they could feed their addiction with the goal of methadone methadone detoxification.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 22 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Hyperthyroidism Treatment Options

Hyperthyroidism (also known an overactive thyroid) occurs when the thyroid gland produces excessive thyroid hormones. This leads to many functions for the velocity of the body. Approximately 2 100 women and 2 men in 1000, develop hyperthyroidism at some point in their lives.

Treatment of hyperthyroidism

Three forms of treatment are available for hyperthyroidism. They each have their advantages and limitations, and doctors prefer over and over again, becauseFor simplicity, cost and availability and also on the severity of hyperthyroidism, existing illnesses and age of the patient. Each of the possible treatments for an overactive thyroid has certain advantages and disadvantages. In general, all three treatments are very effective and in conjunction with a low risk of side effects.

Drug Therapy

Drug therapy includes the use of beta-blockers and antagonists of the thyroid.


Most patients with hyperthyroidism Thyrostatics administered as initial therapy. There are two main Thyrostatics available in the United States: Methimazole (Tapazole) and propylthiouracil (PTU). Interfere with the ability of the thyroid gland to synthesize its hormones and are usually in high doses, to function normally until the thyroid gland (euthyroidism is given). This may be one to two months. PTU is preferred in hyperthyroidism in pregnancyPatients.

Indications and advantages:

Availability and simplicity
ATD drugs work well on the thyroid gland to bring the rapid control of the control of hyperthyroidism and not to cause permanent damage to the thyroid gland
can be used for long-term treatment of the disease, Graves 'disease'.
PTU is the first choice in pregnant women with hyperthyroidism
refuse treatment preferred by many endocrinologists for children and adults who have radioactive iodine
Pre-treatment of elderly patients and cardiac first radioiodine or surgery
both drugs (methimazole and PTU) as safe for use during lactation

Disadvantages, risks and possible side effects:

High rate of relapse (relapse more likely in smokers, in patients with large goiters, and patients with positive thyroid-stimulating antibody levels at the end of therapy). Hyperthyroid condition provides about half of all patients.
PTU can cause elevatedLiver enzymes, hepatitis and immunoallergic
Methimazole can cause cholestasis and rare congenital abnormalities, often
Side effects include rash, fever, gastrointestinal symptoms and pain
Rare side effects is called "agranulocytosis. This is a condition in which white blood cells to fight the infection to disappear from the body. This could be a serious problem if you develop an infection, while white blood cells were low. Fortunately, there is usually a warning, ifIt agranulocytosis - a fever and sore throat. Thyrostatics patients, fever and sore throat should stop the pills and call immediately get a blood test for development. If the blood test shows agranulocytosis, patients must continue Thyrostatic. White blood cells usually return to normal within one to two weeks.


There are medications available to immediately manage the symptoms caused by excessive thyroid hormones,a rapid heartbeat. One of the main classes of drugs for the treatment of these symptoms is the beta-blockers (eg Inderal, Tenormin) Lopressor. Some people take a beta-blocker medicine for several weeks, while the amount of thyroxine is reduced gradually by one of the treatments available.

Indications and advantages:

Prompt relief of adrenergic symptoms of hyperthyroidism such as tremor, palpitations, heat intolerance, and nervousness.
The treatment of choice forThyroiditis
First-line therapy prior to surgery, radioactive iodine and thyroid antagonists
Short-term therapy in pregnancy

Disadvantages, risks and possible side effects:

Must be used with caution in elderly patients and patients will be used with existing heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or asthma.

Radioactive iodine (radioiodine)

The cells of the thyroid are the only cells of the body are capable of absorbing iodine. The fact that radioactiveIodine in the thyroid cells are damaged or destroyed and are not able to produce more thyroid hormones. Radioiodine therapy includes a drink or swallow a capsule containing radioactive iodine. The dose of radioactivity to the rest of the body is very small and not dangerous.

Indications and advantages:

Inexpensive to manage, highly effective, easy and secure
High cure rate with single dose treatment (80%)
The treatment of choice forGraves 'disease', multinodular goiter, toxic nodes in patients older than 40 years, and relapses of antithyroid

Disadvantages, risks and possible side effects:

Delayed control of symptoms
Hypothyroidism after treatment in most patients with Graves 'disease,' "regardless of dose
Contraindicated in patients who are pregnant or breastfeeding
May cause transient neck pain, flushing, and decreased taste
Radiation thyroiditis in 1% of patients
May exacerbate ophthalmopathy of Graves'
May require pre-treatment with thyroid antagonists in elderly patients or cardiac
The treatment of hyperthyroidism in children remains controversial
Lack of preparation for use in women of childbearing age


In a situation in which radioactive iodine is not available and the patient is not responding to ATD patients to undergo surgery. Surgery (thyroidectomy) is the removal of the thyroid. Can be a good option ifHave) a large goiter (swelling of the thyroid, causing neck problems. If too much thyroid removed, usually not a problem, how to take thyroxine tablets to be able to maintain normal levels of thyroxine. Usually c 'is a safe operation, although like all surgery, there is a small risk. This type of treatment requires 5-10 days of hospitalization.

Indications and advantages:

Treatment of choice for people:

can not tolerate antithyroid medicine or antithyroid
who refuse treatment with radioactive iodine
have opthalmopathy (fixed / bulging eyes)
young women and consideration of pregnancy
severe disease who could not stand again

May be performed for cosmetic reasons

Disadvantages, risks and possible side effects:

Increased morbidity and cost of radioactive iodine
Risk of hypothyroidism orHyperthyroidism relapse
Temporary or permanent hypoparathyroidism or laryngeal paralysis
Patients need to avoid pre-operatively with antithyroid drugs or iodides with Euthyroid thyrotoxic crisis

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 21 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

2 different types of youth organizations Drug Intervention

Let's play a scenario of rapid. If the scenario is exactly like your situation, then you will find the information very useful, will follow.

Okay, so your child 16-years, the signs of drug abuse. He is often absent from school, is a terribly lazy attitude and a wicked irreverence towards any form of authority. Flees from time to time, and frequent contacts with the police. His drug use is very clear, and it almost seems as if he hadwants to be, as he is, but I do not know how different.

Sometimes it is a break down and express a sincere desire to improve. From time to time becomes an attempt to make his life back on track, but it is always followed by a short duration and with a different river Spree.

If this sounds like your child, or at least close to your child then please read on. There is help and hope available.

The most effective way to stop the drug your childand behavior is self-destructive use of drug intervention.

Simply, right?

Well, can not be so easy. In fact, there are 2 different ways of going about this.

The first of these is a forced intervention Drug

What does this mean?

Well, exactly what the title implies. As a general rule, what will happen, this is kidnapping of hiring a professional crew for "her baby in the middle of the night. Then take your child for his ownwill lead to a rehabilitation facility. In general, the State investment and the child will have no contact with someone for a certain period of time.

It 'a little' discussion as it relates to the success and effectiveness of this method. I exclude my personal opinion, and allow you to get your own conclusions.

This type of action of drugs is usually performed when a child is fully prepared to contribute, in whatever form, must accept everything. Ifthe case and it is not possible with your child more then this might be the best option for you.

The 2nd drug intervention is a volunteer

This type of action of drugs is a much softer. This process allows your child to make their choice.

You need a professional to coach you through the recruitment process.

The volunteer "to be part of this process is the fact that you do not need, or force the child to seek help. Just callYour case with the family more than your child and friends, and then hope for the best.

Now that you have this information, it is time for you to take a decision and act.

There are two options to choose from and there are no more excuses. S what are you waiting for. Take your child the help they need.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 17 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Drug rehabilitation - methods of treatment

They found some information on treatment methods that are used in rehabilitation centers for drug? Drug addiction can be treated effectively. Addict can return to normal social life. One patient had to go under two treatments. The treatment includes not only drugs but also behavioral.

Almost all the symptoms of the patient withdrawal during the treatment. Withdrawal symptoms can be suppressed withUsing special medications. Some patients need to remain in treatment for a long time. The length varies between three and six months. Significant results are reported after six months of intensive treatment.

The goal of all programs is the same treatment. The programs are designed to help patients get rid of addiction. There are two types of treatment programs that are practiced throughout the world. The first is short and a second is longConcept. The three main components of a brief therapy of long-term residential therapy, medication and outpatient therapy. On the other hand, the long-term therapy is an outpatient methadone treatment for opiate addicts and residential therapeutic community treatment are.

Long-term therapy is most commonly used to treat heroin addicts. The patient receives an oral dose of a synthetic opiate. In many cases, it is the methadone. The dose is adjusted accordinglythe severity of addiction. Sufficient dose can block the effects of heroin. After appropriate treatment can be maintained a stable condition.

After the success of medical treatment, the patient must go through the various programs. Today you can easily find specialized therapeutic communities. These are highly structured programs in which addicts have a residence permit according to some strict guidelines to stay.

Many efforts have been made to get rid of addictionProblems. Drug abuse is a bad influence on all sectors of society. A large amount of money is spent each year. A lot of money to be saved if patients diagnosed and treated in time. According to recent number of addicts seeking help is increasing every year. Rehabilitation centers are specially designed to be a lot of help to solve this problem.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 15 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

What makes Christian drug treatment?

There are some people who have a very pessimistic view of addiction and we believe that recovery is an impossible task - but, methods of rehabilitation, Christians must make a good track record in people, their lives due to the withdrawal of drugs and must start alcohol by new bodies, and to get closer to God While traditional religious hospitals and rehabilitation clinics, the same principles of support and counseling for recovering addicts, somePeople find that the Christian religious certainty can offer treatments that can make a difference to those who feel weak and vulnerable in their efforts.

Drug and alcohol addicts, allowing the rehabilitation resources to learn more about the Christian faith as a whole, while receiving the experience of the physician behavior therapy and meetings to tell them more about the fundamental biblical writings.

Unfortunately, belief in God is only the beginning of the efforts of a junkieif on the road to clean and sober. A survey conducted recently by a number of rehabilitation centers found that many addicts have been employed are not love affairs, family problems, legal problems, health or career problems raised.

The procedure involves a number of religious organizations, faith in his patients through biblical teaching. For many of these institutions, with a backward approach, faith in the context ofSide of a recovering drug addict, one of the key elements of the treatment received by an addict is that they are not condemned, those who seek to impose clean or sober, make some of the basic steps for those who want the burden including individual counseling, pastoral care, church, the general advice and so on.

Why are some dependencies and impacts can be triggered by the hectic and demanding environments that millions ofPeople lead their lives in most of the centers, which are the most vulnerable who depend on the pace of modern life, trying to remove. Depending on the type of care that a person considers that the speed with which progress can be observed from one month to one year, depending on whether they are fixed or may vary.

Depending on the circumstances of a person who decides if the rehabilitation is to be achieved by a religion-based program to varyclear. For those who try to research as well as mentally to overcome their addiction to develop once for all, taking account of a Christian rehabilitation a very wise decision can be made. The Internet is a powerful tool in the modern world, you can find more information has never been so easy for those who find it extremely difficult to make an informed decision.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 14 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Heroin Addiction Treatment - How to Kick the Drug

Drug addiction of any kind can be heartbreaking and destructive for the family and friends. Heroin addiction affect people from all walks of life and is a disease like no other. Heroin addiction treatment must be well thought out, a sudden withdrawal may be dangerous, but if it's cold turkey, it will be paved with a lot of stumbling blocks.

Heroin is a powerful drug addiction that takes the world of drug addicts. Every part of the cycle of heroin is destructivefor both the user and society as a whole. Addicts will beg, steal and borrow to pay for their habit, an addict may inject up to 4 times a day. The first one can put an end to all this, the better.

Effects of long-term effect of heroin abuse in many parts of the body by the spirit of the veins. But the worst long-term effects of abuse of heroin is addiction itself. A heroine will be gradually adopted by the drug, always spend more time and effort in the hunt forDrug and its effects. Once addicted to heroin is a priority in life is to get the next shot.

Because the drug literally looking for the brain makes use of heroin withdrawal changes very difficult. To help to give an addict needs to understand the cycle that heroin driving usually means a time embarrassing to say the least.

If carried out without instructions for the Cold Turkey withdrawal from heroin hell. Muscle and bone pain, insomnia, and illness are onlysome of the things that heroin addicts who, if not the experience of drugs. This "Cold Turkey is so strong that many users are unable to leave after a few hours.

With the help and guidance for the cold turkey can be reduced to the point where there is a big issue can overcome heroin addiction, if you know what you're doing.

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วันพุธที่ 13 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Addiction treatment for marijuana more important than ever

The White House has just published a study on the efficacy of marijuana. E 'strongest in 30 years, and twice as strong as in 1983. Often they do not believe that the use of marijuana is enough to justify always someone to addiction treatment. However, as many people who have used marijuana and taking other drugs have gone to certify nothing could be further from the truth. Now, set up with almost double effect, always in a> Addiction drug treatment center is more important than ever.

Marijuana is known to cause dissociation - a withdrawal from family, school, work and life. In fact, when you're high, you just do not care. No matter what happens in life, because they simply are not taken seriously. But honestly it seems to be a person under the drug at a time, one can not expect them to show an effect, sincerity, would follow.

Now the problem is even worse. Thehigher power marijuana cause more physical problems - with the respiratory tract, for example - and young people who use marijuana, are now twice as likely as others to be depressed. The study also showed an increase of 40% of the risk for developing the "mental" problems. It is not entirely clear what that means, but also the deepening and the "spiritual" problems might involve the use of prescription drugs. Prescription Drug addiction has reached epidemic proportions in the United States (and otherCountries) and prescription drugs are even more difficult than taking some of their illegal counterparts.

The initial treatment of drug addiction to marijuana could save years of misery in the future.

Also troubling was the observation made by the Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, who feared that if the increased effectiveness of further (this is a very real threat) that may also lead to addiction - that is, the dependence on marijuana .

TheyAssociated with the severity of drug withdrawal symptoms - but the redemption is a relatively small part of drug addiction. Although withdrawal symptoms are definitely a deterrent to seek, obtain a drug is much more complex than the person for the first week they felt or how they go through withdrawal. Dependence "" end of things it relates to the plea of the person to be stoned prefer, instead, life is a life without drugs.That's where the addiction comes into therapy, and without them, it is less likely that person will be shut down regardless of the severity of the revocation.

As with all other medications, antibiotics and other drugs which have a purely physical condition which might otherwise be dangerous to handle, it is important to someone in a marijuana addiction treatment center as soon as possible if you got any problems and get have residencethe drug. The alternative would be worse than the effects of marijuana, was also taking all other drugs, which could be fatal and, worse, prescription drug addiction.

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วันอังคารที่ 12 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Alcohol or Drug Addiction Treatment - How?

Depending on the specific circumstances of drug addiction, alcohol or drug addiction treatment can take many different forms. The exact treatment used depends on the severity of the problem, the length of time that has the desire to own and all the peculiarities of family or personal history that might influence the case was. A treatment plan should be adjusted with the variables in the eye.

If you are employees of a so-called "hard drugs" like heroin or cocaine, a livingin a residential drug rehabilitation is almost a necessity. Only in a residential program for drug rehabilitation, will be with the constant medical supervision and care, adequate and safe physically withdraw from your drug of choice. Many drug rehabilitation residential stays are very brief, just long enough to wish to ensure your physical well-being. This type of in-patient alcohol or drug rehab treatment, often covered by your regular medicalInsurance. If you do not have insurance or insurance does not pay, do not let this stop you from looking for a program of medically necessary drug rehabilitation hospital. Some programs offer sliding scale rates based on ability to pay.

If your drug of choice is safe, physically, and not withdrawn support from the medical staff, you may be able to in-patient alcohol or drug rehabilitation program in order to avoid it altogether. . If your insurance company or decreasingProgram will remain only a short-term emergency, it will be a residential drug rehab quickly. In any case, you will then need to choose between the available outpatient alcohol or drug dependence treatment options.

Regardless of whether the drug treatment has occurred on an outpatient or hospitalization, the treatment is suitable to follow a basic pattern. Meet with drug abuse counselor, usually a licenseTherapists with specialized training in addiction. This person will conduct the interview for admission. This interview is long and complex, like trying to consultants that the details of your specific addiction, a history of drug abuse in the family, other psychiatric disorders that exist, and may lead to a general medical history.

Based on data collected during the intake interview and the company's policy, could be scheduled for meetings with otherSpecialists. These experts may also be a psychiatrist, a nutritionist, a therapist or a peer counselor, as well as nurses and other support personnel. Several experts to help with the treatment of addiction, are known collectively as the team treatment. Their addiction treatment team working together to plan and implement the recovery plan, which is also known as the individual treatment plan.

Under older systems, customers haveis not included as decision-making. That was because drug users were not considered of sound mind as a potential expert. With the changes to the system, plans to participate more clients and provide additional support to clients in all important decisions are involved. The day of the band is a person of a chair and the drainage of the drugs from his body are thankfully over.

Treatment plans are becoming more adaptablebecoming increasingly popular, because people begin to take responsibility for their healing. With the training and knowledge of drug addiction, the more they are able to do just treatment. They live addiction, should assist the process of addiction treatment, hands on participation.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 11 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Comparison between the two most popular drugs used to treat erectile dysfunction

What is medicine? What is vardenafil?

Sildenafil citrate is the active ingredient of Viagra, generic generic Vardenafil is the active ingredient in Levitra. Both belong to the group of so-called PDE-5 inhibitors and is reflected at the time of this writing is more effective treatments impotence.

As the work of sildenafil citrate and vardenafil?

Sildenafil citrate and vardenafil work in ways very similar - that "block" of PDE-5Enzyme, which in turn leads to increased production of a chemical called cGMP, the highest levels of cGMP-chemical soft muscles relax the arteries of the penis, resulting in increased blood flow to the penis. This in turn leads to easier to get an erection stronger and more durable.

What is the difference between sildenafil citrate and vardenafil?

Background: Viagra (sildenafil citrate) was approved by the U.S. Food andDrugs Administration (FDA) in 1998 and is by far the most popular impotence treatment synthetic today, with millions of pills sold around the world every month. Levitra (vardenafil) was approved by the FDA in 2003, and although there is a newer drug, is quite fast gaining popularity.

Effect: Viagra works for about an hour after taking the pill during Levitra starts working 15 minutes to an hour, the effect of Viagra hold up to four hours andLevitra up to five hours.

Side effects: Like all medicines, Viagra and Levitra both of which may have undesirable side effects in 97% of cases, these side effects are mild and require no special treatment.

Success: There is no appreciable difference in the rate of success of drugs - are working in about 70% to 80% of cases. Unfortunately, a single, universal, the treatment of impotence is 100% for all workMen do not exist.

Cost: There is no appreciable difference in the price per pill Viagra and Levitra.

Food and beverages, unlike Viagra, it works better and work faster on an empty stomach, not even after the intake of foods high in fat, Levitra works independently of food intake. The heavy use of alcohol while taking any PDE-5 inhibitors should be avoided as it may intensify the sideEffects.

Prescription Required: in most countries, Viagra and Levitra rules.

Dose: Viagra is 25 mg, 50 mg, sold, and 100 mg tablets, and most doctors who prescribe the first 50g tablets, and then may adjust the dose if needed. Mg Levitra is sold in the form of 5 mg, 10, and 20 mg and 10 mg of such usual starting dose.

What is the difference between Viagra and generic Viagra? What is the differencebetween generic and Levitra Levitra?

Sildenafil citrate is the active ingredient of Viagra and generic Viagra, and vardenafil, the active ingredient in Levitra and Levitra. What is the difference between the brand and generic drugs, then?

Generic drugs work in exactly the same way the brand name drugs, which will be monitored by supervisors, must be the same high standards of justice, are safe and are verycheaper.

The brand name Viagra and Levitra can only be used by Pfizer and Bayer, GSK, and both SP and all other drugs such as sildenafil citrate and vardenafil generic Viagra and Levitra knew.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 9 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

ADHD treatment - side effects of drugs

Many doctors prescribed drugs like Ritalin to treat as a first line treatment of patients with symptoms of ADHD. However, it is also used illegally for many years and has proven to be addictive and harmful to some extent.

While the medication helps you manage people with ADHD, is not without side effects. There are serious and common side effects associated with the use of Ritalin. The most serious complaints seem to be the heart rate and stimulating atmosphereChanges. Some children tend to suffer in a bad mood when they took the drug, and that the more aggressive behavior can lead as normal. But what is even more disturbing by the fact that the drug can cause changes in the level of glucose in the blood. This of course is difficult for those who have diabetes, but may also lead to serious health problems if they go unnoticed.

Another potential serious side effect could be tics. This is when the child moves suddenly without any apparentGround. Could be the arm that moves, or the head. In all cases, tics may be of concern, and it is important to keep the baby to the doctor immediately if you notice something strange to do. Less common side effects are headache and insomnia. They should not be looking for adverse effects, while your child on Ritalin.

The above are just some of the side effects experienced by some children who take Ritalin. However, it seems mainly to be doctors, notcorrect doses. It 'also important that you give the next dose of medication for your child if you suspect that the drug is doing them harm. And 'much better contact with your doctor so that he prescribe a lower dose or alternative ADHD medications can.

The biggest concern that many parents have over Ritalin is the probability that it causes permanent damage to your child. A recent study led by Weill Cornell Medical College in New York City examined the impactRitalin has on brain development. The study has been tested on mice, the effects of Ritalin on. It was found that Ritalin caused changes in the brain, but these gradually from 3 months after the rats stopped taking the drug. Since the study is conducted only for a short period, the long-term effects of Ritalin are still unknown. Dr. Teresa Milner, professor of neuroscience at Weill Cornell Medical College, warns against the possibility that the drug could lead to permanentChanges in brain chemistry and behavior when used for long periods of time will be. Ritalin is best to be supplemented with behavioral therapy in the short term.

Of course, further studies should be conducted and that parents have the right, and the FDA has decided to give producers of Ritalin and other ADHD drugs, a patient medication guide warns that patients are fully informed about their potential dangers of psychiatric and Cardiac cardiovascular responses in question.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 7 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Practical advice on alcohol and drug treatment

Alcohol and drug therapy has evolved over the centuries. Back to darker times, little or nothing is known about the treatment of addiction. In fact, the dependence has been seen as demonic. In other words, the patient is to see how demonized or possessed by demons. The only treatment in those days, was burned at the stake. How terrible, with an easy business! E 'was really a Dark Age!

A little progress has been made in later centuries. Instead of seeingpatients possessed by demons, were considered to be crazy! There is something incredible. Alcohol and drug treatment at that time also Straitjackets, padded rooms and electric shock.

Our perception of the modern addiction to alcohol and drug use, proper treatment days, just back in the 12-step program. This has initiated a program of Alcoholics Anonymous. Only then can we begin to see that addiction is neither demonicinsanity. Yes, it is a drawback but it is never solved by those terrible means in the past. There are now better approaches to dealing with addiction.

In order to help people with addiction, many alcohol and drug treatment centers were established. But most of these centers only have the 12 step model as treatment option. The patient is handed a book and told to look for the nearest Alcoholics Anonymous centers. While there he will be told to attend 90 meetings in 90 days. Supporters of this method claim that there are a few 'most effective way to help the addict to increasing disadvantage. We do not occupy as the pros and cons in this predicament. But is it enough for us to know which is the starting point of what we know today as modern alcohol and drugs.

One thing that is on the 12-step program is exciting that it's free. In other words, you have to pay taxes at the top before getting treatment. It is not hard to findAA Center nearby, you can visit. You can hop online and to use or check your telephone directory or Yellow Pages. Contact us and see what can help you do this from addiction.

The 12-step program, however, is not the only way out of drugs and alcohol. There are many methods you can use. Therefore, I urge you to ask if the center, you should check into other services, beyond the 12-step program. E 'excellent for more than it has in the control12-step program.

Finally, it is commendable that you try as many alcohol and drug treatment options available. This is the only way to know the right and perfect for you.

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วันพุธที่ 6 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Violations of drugs for the treatment of panic attacks

Perhaps you read this because you meet someone, knees, accelerated respiration, heart palpation suffers panic attacks are random. I hurt for the way it hurts me when I saw the reproduction of these symptoms from my heart. Sometimes I could only breathe through it, and everything would be quiet in a short time, but other times, I landed in the emergency room of my local hospital. I felt like prey, I rarely knew what they carry.

I became aVariety of treatments for my symptoms. Once, in my youth I suffered from tunnel vision and the best trainees held my hand and asked me about everything that was "said" to talk to me in my life. I do not know if it's just the fact that I was treating my condition or the fact that I really wanted all of his shaved look beautiful face, that my vision organ started again to all the corners of my limited perception concluded transmit.

My sweetest General PractitionerI suggested going to see a "consultant" from his face stained tears after listening to my desperate appeals for help to cope with anxiety and fear, I was every day more and more. I was a tender age of 25 years. He suggested that this road before I could for prescription drugs for anxiety withdrawal to qualify. The result was more favorable than the consultants "appeared very confused and devoid of character structure, and actually looked a lot more than I need help.

A few little 'light on mestruggled to find a solution that was durable, permanent and natural. Knowing that I am against my mother's diagnosis of schizophrenia, manic depression and their possible suicide when I was eight years and not to help. Over time, I began to feel that I'm about to "lose my soul" and the fear of attacks has just brought me closer to this terror. For now, I felt an inner fear that pricked at the base of my spine. The anxiety began Episodes. I had to solve this escalating problem.

If you also suffer a similar fate, it is important that all options before taking the medicine or not even consider meditation. I am a results-oriented type of person, and when I go to a mode of treatment to pursue, I know how to work what, why and what are the possible risks and side effects. I'm going to share what I found with you, so you can evaluate the consequences very well. The way I solved myPanic attacks and had no long-term-nary one in more than 20 years. I am 46, when I have this spring. Fortunately, even though I know it was a fairly advanced treatment demands of panic attacks, I could of course be solved.

I'm about to begin, however, dedicated to offering you the pros and cons of medication for panic attacks. What is most regrettable is that the protocol chemistry is not curative, but overwhelming and increasing chronic disease. Most people know this, because as soonRemove the drug, the symptoms again clearly visible on the surface. Drugs may be useful in the short term, if you need to collect only your point of view, to find out how we are to address the symptoms in the long term. You can do with the illusion of a clearer head, which can be used to provide power in the present, but as a mechanism of control, you can be with some very undesirable side effects.

Some of the harmful side effects, you may consider include the liver,Kidneys and toxicity of the sap. The other thing to recognize that these drugs may not have access to e-motions, you do, even in love. I had to tell me that the people during their medicines. no longer able to feel the emotions of the characters in a movie or completely empathize with her daughter's break-up with her boyfriend. Often people feel afraid of drugs "flat-lined" emotionally and that can change a person feeling short vacation in the area of their lives. Can not fullypenetrate into the realm of sympathetic or empathic impressions.

My grandmother, in fact, lived on the side of my mother, unfortunately, under long-term sedation. Their empty eyes and empty, "Yes, dear" as a response to any provocation was frankly pathetic. I despised, because they have the courage, the root of evil, his face, and I avoided at all costs, as was, as the setting with the woman a "vacuum". I have often had the momentum, just for her, if I could wake up screaming, they see their life from a coma.There was no real person surrendered to connect with and for me, died years before his physical body.

Most people do not know, but pharmaceutical companies were using the same tranquilizers and benzodiazepines for years. The head that we are available to contemporary folk,:

Xanax (Alprazolam)
Klonopin (clonazepam)
Valium (diazepam)
Ativan (lorazepam)

Although they are fast acting to bring peace, or "relief" in about thirty minutes to an hour after taking them,There are disadvantages in the long term, which are not normally suitable for you in the office of the doctor. The soothing effect of the former can be realized as a crippling of precipitation, as I mentioned before, especially over time. Other side effects include fatigue, cloudiness, and lack of coordination. People are often justified doses are very low, but also micro-doses of benzodiazepines can cause problems at work, at school or in everyday life such as driving. Some people report aDrug hangover the next day, the motivation and enthusiasm for life can make.

Depending on the individual, some of which performs a "fast-up 'feeling precipitate mania or worsening anxiety, impulsivity, hallucinations, hostility, anger and even panic attacks themselves, which is the opposite result, the patient takes completion. Over time, the project's drug system may lead, if not used properly decontaminated, so that the patient has the feeling of being constantlydrunk.

Look for these most common side effects of benzodiazepines, or sedatives and work with your physician to adjust the dose or type of medication until these symptoms are most needed:

Lack of energy
Slow reflexes
Confusion and disorientation
Depression, dizziness
Drowsiness impaired thinking and judging memory loss, forgetfulness, nausea, stomach upset, blurred or double vision

Benzodiazepines areassociated with depression. You need to look for a long time are taking benzodiazepine side effects such as suicidal feelings. The feeling of being separated from spouses, children and parents to deteriorate over time and sad relationship based on a long-term impact. My mother and my grandmother was a witness of this for me.

If you choose the path of chemical drugs, it is imperative that the anti-anxiety drugs are not combined with other drugs. In addition, an overdose can be fatal iftaken in high doses or in combination with other CNS depressants. Taking anti-anxiety medication with alcohol, prescription painkillers or sleeping pills can be deadly. Dangerous drug interactions can also occur if anti-anxiety medications with antihistamines, which are found in many more to be done-the-counter cold and allergy. Note that antidepressants like Prozac and Zoloft can also increase their toxicity.

If you have a little 'breathingand your panic attacks are not over you like waves of work. You can study the natural way to deal with his condition to be. This was the track I started with myself, and helped immensley. Although, my symptoms eventually drive me forward into the realm of basic, natural medicine, I have walked this path of therapies, first as a drug protocols scared me more. As you can imagine, I was willing to try anything to avoid my grandmother andThe fate of the mother. Livingstone will be shut down, frozen-out on prescription drugs or thoughts of suicide are viable alternatives, not for me. I had to actually solve them.

Some of the vital non-drug treatment of panic attacks may begin with the available psycho-dynamic therapy, including cognitive-behavioral, for example. I have a medicine called Heilkunst (the art of healing and healing) to fix my pain, all the treatments in three countries, with an organizerBasis of diet and lifestyle changes, homeopathy, and then cognitive-behavioral therapy to address the fears and the main structures of belief. Not all practitioners of their practice, all three countries, but are happy to assist you, if you need to hear. The first judicial treatment promotes healing Regular exercise, adequate sleep, a healthier diet, improve your reporting and a complete detoxification. Are often people fromAdding a log of regular oil, minerals, vegetables and grain removal from their diet, but can cathartic effect on their panic attacks. Tips sugar solution and the lack of adequate nutrition, with food supplements can unite all the way to help calm the potential moments of fear.

Blood tests conducted by a professional in exceptional cases it may help the cause of the source of your panic attacks, providing the toxicity of heavy metals and demanding when it is actually absorbsWater. Water has the expansion function of the cell, just like your body is trying to expand through fear. When each cell is enclosed in armor and salt, then the entire organism. When broken, afraid, uncomfortable will push up against armored cells causes a tension in your body so that the sweating, heart palpatations and produces a general awakening, as if you're about to explode.

Their fear is only trying to expand "and solve your armor. It is onlyalso impressed with a lot of pain and disability. Unfortunately, the character can try to type in their own way to fix things flocks in your name. If you make it with sound, logical tools, such as medicines, homeopathic healing that are based on the law of nature "like cures like" to pursue and cognitive therapies, including character analysis and biofeedback, you can effectively eliminate the root causes of your anxiety and then the address with treatment protocols that work and solve theQuestions long term without side effects, like me.

I found that really does not matter to repress, suppress or fear at all. And 'more about the solution of the overflow and then the conversion and channel the power of this e-Motions (= "energy in motion") as a medium in which only serve with the knowledge, creativity and inspiration. Eventually he gets a lot more awareness and an environment of emotions and impressions that enrich the lives of your life, is not stupiddown.

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วันอังคารที่ 5 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

STA-478, a new treatment for Skin Cancer Drug

There is a new treatment for skin cancer, which causes huge amounts of money. Big enough for two large pharmaceutical companies, GlaxoSmithKline PLC and Synta Pharmaceuticals Corporation together to develop an interesting and very promising new treatment for skin cancer drug. This drug has been shown that even at 1V melanoma, 70 percent of victims die within a year of aid

Named the STA-4783, which is a new, injectable> Candidate drug that kills cancer cells by overloading cancer cells with oxygen. Because cancer cells do not themselves have a much lower tolerance for oxygen-malignant cells, which leads to self-destruction. This is a new class of anti-cancer therapy, with considerable potential.

Put simply, STA-4783 increases the level of oxygen within the tumor cells. Cancer cells can not tolerate as much oxygen as normal cells, and this drug increases the oxygen content in tumor cells,and this causes the cell to move with the critical point of baking, then undergo apoptosis or programmed cell death. STA has little or no effect on normal non-cancerous cells.

The fact that such a strategy against cancer in healthy and diseased cells can distinguish cancer cells alone, is why scientists are so enthusiastic and we are confident that this treatment will be successful in treating a variety of tumors,

In a double blind study found thatSTA-4783, when used in small doses with Taxol (paclitaxel or) will be twice the rate of progression-free survival in stage 1V melanoma compared with Taxol long.

Melanoma is a very deadly skin cancer once it has spread to his last place of origin. At 1V melanoma, the cancer has spread throughout the body, and the survival of people with Stage 1V melanoma metastic is 7-10 months. Since there are only a few drugs that are useful for patients with advanced skin cancer, it is an importantBreakthrough.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 4 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Addiction Treatment Programs

It is believed that the expansion of access to treatment will help the marginalized people, both recovering from addiction and to participate in the development of skills, resources and zeal to be closer to the life of the community.

There are many roads to recovery from addiction. Some addicts quit on their own, others use religious activities or self-help groups. Others require a treatment described in one of four general methods. The treatment may alsobehavioral approaches, medications, or in many cases both.

Outpatient drug free programs offer individual, group and family counseling. Patients are served, in general, cocaine and / or alcohol. The programs are based on a variety of styles of counseling. Use the appropriate drugs in combination with behavioral therapies to maximize therapeutic effect. This drug-based therapies include outpatient psychiatric and detoxification.

Opioid agonistTreatment programs for people addicted to heroin. They provide advice and both methadone or levo-alpha-acetyl methadol (LAAM), two drugs that block the withdrawal, craving and euphoric effects of heroin.

Hospital rehabilitation programs are designed for people addicted to alcohol or drugs. You can have several days a week and often the techniques of counseling, which based on its own utilities. Medical and psychiatric screening may be made available. Discharged patients are usually referred towhile outpatient programs and self-help groups.

Therapeutic communities are long-term inpatient treatment for people who are unable to adapt to drug use by other treatments. Period of six months or more, offer a structured program that uses behavior modification and positions of increasing responsibility, to rehabilitate the inhabitants.

Drug addiction is an effective treatment as a treatment for other chronic diseases. For example, arecent study showed a reduction of alcohol and drugs (52% and 69%, respectively), one year after treatment. Another study showed a 64% reduction in arrests one years after treatment. drug treatment also prevented the spread of HIV. Patients enrolled in methadone, five times less likely to contract HIV when injecting drugs, people not in treatment.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 3 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

More on Addiction and Substance Abuse Treatment

There are many different drugs and therapies for these various drugs. Treatment varies depending on the nature of the patient.

Problems with drug addiction may be linked to an individual varies considerably. People dealing with drugs of all walks of life get addicted. Many are suffering from mental health, work, or in connection with the social problems that find their addiction can do to treat much more complex.

There are a number ofscientific approaches to drug dependence is available. Drug treatment may be behavioral (eg, counseling, cognitive therapy or psychotherapy), medications or a combination thereof.

Behavioral therapies, current management strategies for their addiction to educate drugs and ways to avoid drugs and prevent relapse, and how to deal with relapse if it occurs. When a person is drug-related behavior or doeshave an increased risk of AIDS or other infectious diseases, behavioral therapies can help reduce the risk of disease transmission.

Drug addiction treatment can include behavioral therapy, therapy or a combination thereof.

Drugs for the treatment, such as methadone, LAAM, and naltrexone, are available for those opioids. The best treatment programs are a mix of therapies and other services to meet everyindividual.

Drugs such as antidepressants, mood stabilizers or neuroleptics, may be effective for the treatment, when patients have significantly contributed occurring mental health problems such as depression, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder or psychosis.

Treatment can take a variety of settings, in various shapes and lengths as long as dissimilar. As drug addiction is usually classified as a chronic disease characterized by rare or evenfrequent relapses, a single treatment or short-haul flights quite often. For many, the long-term treatment, a procedure that many measures and attempts at self-control is included.

Many wonder why not drug Quit on Their Own

Most people who are addicted to examine at the outset that stay on their medications, and many may try to stop without treatment. Most of these attempts result in failure. Most researchshowed that the drug for a prolonged period leads to significant changes in brain function that remains long after the individual stopped.

These changes, substance abuse sustainable long-term function of the brain may be involved, many behaviors have consequences, and the urge to use drugs, regardless of negative consequences.

Long-term drug use leads to significant changes in brain function that persist long after the individual stopsDrugs.

Addiction is a biological component to these important questions of the person in achieving and maintaining abstinence without treatment. Stress from work or family problems, social cues (such as meeting htose taking drugs), or the environment (for example) meet. streets, objects or even smells associated with the use of drugs can be used in conjunction with biological factors to hinder the realization of continuous self-monitoring and make it more likely relapse.Scientific studies show that even the most users can employees take an active role in therapy and lead to success.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 1 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

6 questions you must ask when choosing a Drug Rehab

Drug and alcohol has never suffered alone. Drug abuse affects all sectors of society. If you or someone you about struggling with addiction, effective treatment available. The following are key questions to guide you on the road to recovery.

1. Who is responsible for the cost?

You must decide whether the health insurance coverage costs. A rehabilitation center, which is funded by the federal government, you may be eligibleDiscount price on the basis of income. Check with the facility to accept payments. Find out what is included in the price. Ask if there are any add-on charges that should know. You need to know due to a total approval. You should request a refund if the program has not been completed. In some cases, a physician to refer the patient to the rehabilitation center, prior to acceptance.

2. What programs are targeted to their specific needs addiction?

More23 million Americans require medical treatment each year. Less than 10% receive no help. Discuss with the admissions staff if you reveal their success rate. Based on the diagnosis, a decision will be taken on whether the treatment should be created or patient. on the plant. Of great importance to an appropriate treatment for age and sex of the drug is intended. Be ready to be placed on a waiting list for treatment.are usually no-show, and will try for you a.

3. When the family is allowed to visit?

The person may hold grudges enter rehab and request no visitors. The family should acknowledge the patient is likely to have anxiety attacks, guilt and remorse. Might help to keep your love is a space and time to adjust. Family members should consider advice on management of their own fear, with therapy sessions. Worried friends and relatives should be encouragedParticipation in the recovery at the request of the physician. It is not uncommon for visitors to be banned in recovery. Limited calls are admitted in good standing as a reward for good behavior and will be monitored in order. The patient and the family must know the rules themselves.

4. If the skills of workers should be displayed?

Do not be afraid to ask if the doctors and nurses qualified to be treated with all the medical and psychological problems. It is best interest of the patient are the trained professionals on call around the clock. Lectures on the prevention of drug use, but it would be useful for drug offenders and are often carried out by an ex-drug users. They are fighting Ensure appropriate measures are taken to violent outbursts of the patient. It 'important to note whether the patient should be detoxified before entering the program. Determine if the drugs are administered, if necessary.

5. How it works> Rehabilitation center for drug treatment court ordered treatment?

In 2002, two million Americans have been imprisoned. 1.7 of these cases involved crimes under the influence of drugs or alcohol committed. Research has shown drug and alcohol treatment reduces criminal activity up to 80%. Counseling of drug users to change their habits, and teaches anger management and ability to work, the employee can give valuable suggestions. Judges may offer drug offenses, theChoosing to enter rehab, instead of a prison sentence. Judges need to see a plan for rehabilitation, assessment of progress made, and published reports timely. The rehab center must be equipped to meet specific needs of the patient.

6. Why is it necessary to continue treatment after discharge the patient?

People who suffer from depression, schizophrenia, anti-social behavior and other forms of mental instability, have a high incidence of various types of addiction.Recovering from such dangerous behavior, is a permanent commitment. Follow-up was for the part of providing treatment to rehabilitation. Regaining health after the chemical dependency call for check-up and training group or individual therapy.

There were 1.8 million viewers addictio drug treatment in 2005, reported. It is normal for feelings of confusion, anger, disbelief and denial. Think about it, if it were your loved one diagnosed with cancer. Would search for the bestAvailable Care. Drug and alcohol addiction is a disease. In this difficult time, take some comfort in knowing that they are not, to tackle alone.

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